World AIDS Day Celebration

The first day of December, marks the the celebration of World AIDS Day to communicate the education and why it’s very important to know your status. Education on the high risk factors in Ghana was paramount on the fact that every organization drummed home the prevention methods.

Be different from what you were yesterday!!

Everyday comes with its new scope for life, just as it was for every yesterday. It shall be for every today and tomorrow. Yesterday became yesterday, simple because we moved ahead of it to today. It does not mean that as we move on in life it’s not a means to change things that went on in yesterday.

Finding the best for every day is assured in a new morning just as the grace finds you. Be different in all you do just so you can set a new target for the plans of yesterday. Climb up the ladder of change with determination and also bear in mind that, change is what you need to make the right choice in the next day.

Yesterday was a prototype for today so just make the best editing you can today so you can improve it tomorrow. Be the best you can be and give the best you can give.

However finding a new balance for a new day is not as simple as it is. You need to persevere, hope and be determined to strive forward as much as you are failing. Be who you are and be original to what make you different from the mass.

Thanks for enjoying today’s series of iTALK Live and we look forward to helping you understand your moments as youth. Link up with us for your general counseling and career guidance needs on +233240246052 or +233246371447


FB: ISAF Ghana IG: @isaf_ghana
Twitter: @isaf_ghana
YouTube: ISAF Ghana Online

This piece is sponsored by @Klassi_trendz @Elytees_global and powered by @isaf_ghana

Opinions of others does not define you!!!

A lot of people have gone back to their shells just because they listen and got hurt by others as to how they look and behave. Allowing comments of others to change your personality does not mean you have felt with them. It actually defines how you decided to deal with them.

However, some opinions of how you look and behave are constructive criticism which are more important to the daily activities of life. Most opinions we hear are not just the ones we would like to hear but then we just listen to them to shape who we are.

In as much as we need the opinions of others, look not so desperate for approval from your opinionated people just as to know if it’s what they seek. Be yourself and just believe in your looks and actions. People will misunderstand confidence for arrogance and disrespect but then, they are just opinions from them and not what you think of your persona.

Be just as you wish and what makes you happy. Never get intimidated by others just because you are fat and they are slim. You can be fat and sexy if you choose to be, not necessarily be slim to be approved for a class of people. Feel free and let who you are define what others should feel about you and not the other way round. BE YOU AND MAKE OTHERS SEE THE REAL YOU BY ACCEPTING WHAT THEY SEE. Be defined by your character not physical appearance.

Thanks for enjoying today’s series of iTALK Live and we look forward to helping you understand your moments as youth. Link up with us for your general counseling and career guidance needs on +233240246052 or +233246371447


FB: ISAF Ghana IG: @isaf_ghana
Twitter: @isaf_ghana
YouTube: ISAF Ghana Online

This piece is sponsored by @Klassi_trendz @Elytees_global and powered by @isaf_ghana

Don’t define your failure by the success of others

Daily activities for everyone is very different from what we see and do. Don’t let anyone define you for what you can do and will not do.

Failure is not the magnitude of what you can’t do not is it the low blow for your incompetence. Failure is the process for your ability to rebuild the lost moments. Most people will define you based on how poor your have been able to rise up after you fail. That is no big deal but then and encouragement for you to push forward.

Allowing people to define you by the things around you downplay your ability to rise above what you can do. Let no one make mockery of you that you can’t make it.

You can do all things if you set your mind to it and believe that there is more to what can be done. Allow failure to be a measuring tool for what you will change not what others have achieved. Don’t define your failure by the look of how successful others are but rather look at how important it is for you to make changes to your life and persevere for the best.

Thanks for enjoying today’s series of iTALK Live and we look forward to helping you understand your moments as youth. Link up with us for your general counseling and career guidance needs on +233240246052 or +233246371447


FB: ISAF Ghana IG: @isaf_ghana
Twitter: @isaf_ghana
YouTube: ISAF Ghana Online

This piece is sponsored by @Klassi_trendz @Elytees_global and powered by @isaf_ghana


Situations are meant to pill you to action and does not imply how you should fall and not get back up. Let not what you see and experience be the factor for which you will be defined.

Finding a common ground in all you do and making them the right decisions you make for the better days ahead. Let not what others say be what defines how you see yourself. Rise above all criticism and obstacles to greater heights.

Make the best out of what you see and experience for they are not what really defines the strength you have. Be positive in all you do and hope for the best with the determination of making a change. Be that change which you seek for all time. Creat that moment of change with your actions for they are like a virus that affect faster than waiting for a Usain Bolt remedy for change.

Thanks for enjoying today’s series of iTALK Live and we look forward to helping you understand your moments as youth. Link up with us for your general counseling and career guidance needs on +233240246052 or +233246371447


*FB: ISAF Ghana IG: @isaf_ghana*
*Twitter: @isaf_ghana*
*YouTube: ISAF Ghana Online*

_*This piece is sponsored by @Klassi_trendz @Elytees_global and powered by @isaf_ghana*_


Choices in life are very important in whatever we do and live with. Some things we do mostly become choices we have to live with and understand. Do things as you will like to be there as reminder for you and not make you regret for doing this.

No matter your problems and attitude in life, what you make at end will define the choice you make and also affect the things you will be related to simply because the choices of today are like the bed rock of the future.

Nothing matches the time and moments of what you will if not done by how you feel and how you want to be related. Make the right decision and let others understand that you are made by the choices that you make today. Be nice and be kind to others as well as you are making it healthy for yourself. The route you take today defines where you will end up and that becomes a choice you will have to live with. Always do not work your issues out with anger and do not let others fight you for what you have no control over. Just be yourself and let the choices you make today be the definition of what you want tomorrow. Be bold.

Take in more vitamin C foods and more vegetables as well as fruits. Increase your alkaline level to boost your immune system. Wash your hands regularly and sanitize

Thanks for enjoying today’s series of iTALK Live and we look forward to helping you understand your moments as youth. Link up with us for your general counseling and career guidance needs on +233240246052 or +233246371447


*FB: ISAF Ghana IG: @isaf_ghana*
*Twitter: @isaf_ghana*
*YouTube: ISAF Ghana Online*

International day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking

Today, 26 June, the world is commemorating the international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking, it’s an important occasion to engage the teaming youth who by ways find themselves in the high rate of doing drugs. In so doing we are sending them a message a message that drug use can take a heavy toll on their health and well-being. Let’s encourage the education and help reduce the addiction

Message from ISAF Ghana


The laws and forces of our land allows every one to have a job they will choose to subscribe to and be good at it. But then the act of devoting ones self to the service of others without expecting any fixed returns is one which is hard to find in our local setting.

Most young people believe that even as they complete their highest level in education or the second cycle, then it is a must to have a job that pays you well to do and fend for yourself. But then did we know that it’s not the salary that we earn alone that can fend for us?

More times we are not working simply because we want to earn a salary or wages for what we do, but rather we do so to acquire more knowledge and also to learn more even from outside our comfort zone. Learn to inculcate the habit of volunteering into your daily activities and also join make the world a better place by allowing yourself to feel the joy you put on the faces of others when you support a good cause.

Most volunteering work in Ghana gives you the opportunity to learn and interact with business minded people as well as getting an on hand business training which will help you in a longer run.

Most youth do not really understand the importance and benefits of volunteering and becoming who we want to be. It gives you more experience and it’s also an avenue for networking with like mind people who will be of great help in getting you into a permanent position.

Let’s all join hands and work to support each other and preach ghetto spirit of volunteerism in Ghana because that is what we can use to build our nation.

Thanks for enjoying today’s series of iTALK Live and we look forward to helping you understand your moments as youth. Link up with us for your general counseling and assistance.

FB: ISAF Ghana IG: @isaf_ghana
Twitter: @isaf_ghana
YouTube: ISAF Ghana Online


Success we all understood is not just a feeling to experience but a lifestyle to live and to be able to make this a reality then we need to hustle our way to the top and be truthful to ourselves.

Most people only believe in the fast and short possible ways to the tree of success. What they forget in life is that, when you just to the tenth floor of a storey building and you want to move down without the stairs you will fall and break your body. Yes a great analogy for life is the storey building to represent the success we are all building.

When you hustle your way through the struggles of life with great zeal to make it tomorrow, then it’s assured you will make heads way in finding the best stairs to use for the climb.

When we force ourselves to the top without taking the right precautional measures, then we hurt ourselves of making the best decision tomorrow. Allow others to help you and find the good grounds to start busing your way up the ladder than just finding the shortest means to the top.

There is no short cut to the top and we all need to put the strength of making things right in play to help us get to the top. Believe in yourself and also learn to believe in what you can do.

Thanks for enjoying today’s series of iTALK Live and we look forward to helping you understand your moments as youth. Link up with us for your general counseling and career guidance needs

FB: ISAF Ghana IG: @isaf_ghana
Twitter: @isaf_ghana
YouTube: ISAF Ghana Online


Weaknesses are always the best of our challenge as young people and we need to learn how to deal with them instead of allowing them to win over us. There has been a lot of businesses and young person that have failed to see the light of day simply because hey allowed their weakness to break them down.

Every person is entitled to making and having choices in life but then how do we understand this challenges and how can we deal with them in as much as we have to settle in life.

Most people have gotten to the era where they cannot lift themselves up simply because they have limited themselves to the crippling powers of weakness. Your weakness is not what should bring you down but rather the weakness is there to help you mark and know your strengths.

Most young people have failed in their quest to becoming the best entrepreneurs in Ghana and Africa but for one reason, “weakness” they have failed in pushing for the best.

One way to overcome your weakness is to overcome the fear is failing. No one fails to fail again. We fail to make a good outcome of the first attempt. Make the best out of your fear and push to overcome your weakness. The only obstacle to a successful mind is the spirit of fear and disbelief in your own abilities.

Break that chain of weakness today and fight the battle of success with people that believe in your abilities and don’t allow your weakness to break you down. Believe and say to yourself, “yes I can make it” and you will surly make it. Weakness is just a moment but your strength is what pushes you for their best all the time. Believe and be great.

Thanks for enjoying today’s series of iTALK Live and we look forward to helping you understand your moments as youth. Link up with us for your general counseling and career guidance needs

FB: ISAF Ghana IG: @isaf_ghana
Twitter: @isaf_ghana
YouTube: ISAF Ghana Online